Category: Uncategorized
Brands, Naming and St. Patrick’s Day!
Anyone up for an #Irish connection to #Brand#Names ???? Happy #stpatricksday to everyone.
International Women’s Day
A message from the heart to recognize International Women’s Day. #Equality #Women #internationalwomensday #ukraine #womeninbusiness #femalefounders And as promised in the video – a link to the Forbes article:
To Make Common
How wonderful would this world be if we sought out our commonalities instead of our differences?
As an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19 #GivingTuesdayNow is a global day of giving and unity organized by GivingTuesday that will take place on May 5 in addition to the regularly scheduled Dec 1, 2020 #GivingTuesday At Jennifer Layne Brands we pledge our continued support of The Center for Pursuit based…
Don’t Go It Alone
We’re checking in on you. As we think about the days ahead and how we’ll talk to our customers, don’t think you are in this alone. Please reach out to us, even as a sounding board. Your prosperity is always our purpose and we are. #readytoserve #communicationplans #marketingstrategy #brandstrategy #MakeYourMark #BrandsMeanBusiness We’ve left an encouraging…
Survival Communications for Leaders
We know these are uncertain days but we also know how resilient our businesses are. Crises will happen, and how you respond will make or break your reputation with your employees and clients. We’re reaching out to you to say you’re not alone, call on us, we are ready to serve. For many small organizations,…
Strategy means Decisions
Are you so focused on the day-to-day that you can’t see the big picture? No organization has the luxury of sitting around discussing strategy for days on end, but successful businesses ensure there IS a strategy. They refer to it often to check they haven’t gone down a rabbit hole following some shiny object that…
On Purpose?
Is your brand behaving on purpose? Are you following the plan? Is there a plan? Where is your brand strategy? Founders, Leaders and Management are responsible for ensuring there IS a big picture. And that includes one for your brand. Your brand is an asset just like your equipment, your people, your tools. In some…